Bristol to Barrie

Having served 22+ years service with the Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (REME), we're planning a new life in pastures new. This is an account of our immigration journey, from UK to Canada, beginning to end.

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Monday 10 January 2011

Security cleared and a date booked to enrol :)

Today an email arrived with the news I'd been waiting for:
Your security check came back on the 17 December 2010, as "No Security Objections". So your file has been merit listed already, meaning that at our end at least you are ready for a job offer.
So, there it is, the (nearly) last piece of the jigsaw puzzle. I fired up the Skype in the hotel room and had a quick conversation with my recruiting Captain to confirm what's happening next. I now have to wait until 1 April which is when the new job allocations are issued for 2011/2012. I'm being reserved a position from that list and we've settled on a provisional enrolment date of 11 July.

The light at the end of the tunnel is well and truly in sight for the soon-to-be Sgt McFarlane.

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