Bristol to Barrie

Having served 22+ years service with the Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (REME), we're planning a new life in pastures new. This is an account of our immigration journey, from UK to Canada, beginning to end.

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Thursday 1 October 2009

Asperger's Syndrome.........and the hits just keep on coming

I'm beginning to think that I must have tortured cats or something as a child? We're still reeling from the shock of losing Dad when today life dropped another shovelful of excrement from on high. It's fair to say that we all but knew it was coming, however, Amber's diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome today makes the uphill climb through immigration just that little bit steeper and slippery. I don't like wishing my life away but I've just about had a bellyful of this year - roll on 2010 is all I can say.

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