Bristol to Barrie

Having served 22+ years service with the Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (REME), we're planning a new life in pastures new. This is an account of our immigration journey, from UK to Canada, beginning to end.

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Friday 25 September 2009

It's a cruel world at times.......

Isn't it funny how life twists and turns - just when things seem to be going well, the jaws of unpredictability jump up and bite you in the ass. It was 4.15pm on Friday 25th Sep when my Dad lost his short battle against the scourge of modern society - Cancer. The time and date will forever be emblazoned in my mind; all we had was a mere 5 weeks and 2 days after diagnosis, and then he was gone.

It's amazing how times like this focus your mind on the vulnerability of life; one minute you can be here and the next your gone. Life's not been the same since; we all miss him terribly and there seems to be a big hole in our lives which can never be filled.

Rest in peace Dad; you're better out of this cruel world......

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