Bristol to Barrie

Having served 22+ years service with the Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (REME), we're planning a new life in pastures new. This is an account of our immigration journey, from UK to Canada, beginning to end.

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Friday 17 September 2010

After 469 days, TB tests, Asperger's Syndrome and a ‘Procedural Fairness Letter/Plan'…….CHC called today....

It's been a painfully slow 2-months since we sent in our response to CHCs 'Procedural Fairness' letter and having badgered them with no less than 3 case-specific emails (to no avail), we were beginning to lose heart.

So, imagine my surprise when my wife phoned me at work today in tears, to say that the lady from CHC had just rang and said we've been accepted and that an official email will be arriving in the next 2-3 days.

Whether they decided that Amber was no longer going to be an 'excessive demand' or whether they just accepted the plan I submitted, I guess we'll never know. We're just so relieved that the wait and stress are finally over and we can now seriously plan for our new life in Canada.

If I had to offer one piece of advice which has stood me well I would echo the words of the great Benjamin Franklin; 'By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.' Never truer words when it comes to the immigration journey.

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